Studio バージョン
クイックアクセス: コア>キュー>待機キュー項目
You can retrieve a queue item from a specified queue and stored it in a QueueItem variable. At run time, if the queue is empty, it sends a message to Orchestrator starting it is ready to receive a queue item and then wait for a new one to be added.
指定したキューからキューアイテムを取得し、それをQueueItem変数に格納することができます。実行時に、キューが空の場合は、Orchestrator にメッセージを送信し、キューアイテムを受信する準備ができたことを確認してから、新しいキューアイテムが追加されるのを待ちます。
ContinueOnError ・・・ If you choose this, the automation will continue when it throws an error. Boolean supported only.
PollTimeMS ・・・ The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to search for a new item again.
Reference ・・・ Filters items based on their reference.
Result ・・・ The retrieved queue item, stored in a QueueItem variable.
TimeoutMS ・・・ The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to run before an error is thrown. The default value is 30,000 milliseconds.
DisplayName ・・・ The display name of this activity. You can edit the name of the activity to organize and structure your code better.
FilterStrategy ・・・ You can filter data according to the reference. There are two options:
Start with: Looks for items whose references start with the value indicated in the reference field.
Equals: looks for items whose references are the same as the value indicated in the reference field.