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クイックアクセス: コア>Http>HTTPクライアントウィザード
Body ・・・ The body of the request.
ConsumerKey ・・・ The consumer key to be used if the API you are making requests to is based on the OAuth1 authentication protocol.
ConsumerSecret ・・・ The consumer secret to be used if the API you are making requests to is based on the OAuth1 authentication protocol.
ContinueOnError ・・・ Specifies if the automation should continue even when the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values (True, False).
EndPoint ・・・ The URL to which you want to make the request.
OAuth1Token ・・・ The access token to be used if the API you are making requests to is based on the OAuth1 authentication protocol, after an authorization request for the consumer has been approved.
OAuth1TokenSecret ・・・ The secret to be used if the API you are making requests to is based on the OAuth1 authentication protocol, after an authorization request for the consumer has been approved.
OAuth2Token ・・・ The access token to be used if the API you are making requests to is based on the OAuth2 authentication protocol.
Password ・・・ Indicates that the web service uses simple authentication and enables you to input your username. Adding a password is also required. This property supports strings and string variables.
ResourcePath ・・・ A file path at which the response should be saved. This field supports strings and string variables.
Result ・・・ The response received from the HTTP request, as a string variable.
StatusCode ・・・ The status code received from the HTTP request, as an integer variable.
Username ・・・ Indicates that the web service uses simple authentication and enables you to input your password. Adding a username is also required. This property supports strings and string variables.
AcceptFormat ・・・ The format in which to receive the web server's response. The following options are supported: ANY - the default value, XML and JSON.
BodyFormat ・・・ The format in which the body has to be. By default, it is filled in with application/xml.
DisplayName ・・・ The display name of this activity. You can edit the name of the activity to organize and structure your code better.
Method ・・・ The request method to be used
TimeoutMS ・・・ Specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to run before an error is thrown. The default value is 6000 milliseconds (6 seconds).
Attachments ・・・ Enables you to attach files to requests. Click the Ellipsis button to open the Attachments window and add all the required files.
Cookies ・・・ The cookies in the HTTP Request.
Headers ・・・ Enables you to include custom headers in the HTTP request.
Parameters ・・・ The request parameters.
UrlSegments ・・・ Custom segments added to the Endpoint URL between braces "{}". Click the Ellipsis button to open the URLSegments window.